New Product Monday : LT8606 350mA Buck Converter

I wanted to introduce a new series here on my blog; the new product monday.

As a FAE specialized on Linear Tec I get lots of information about new products that are available and I wanted to start with the LT8606.

LT8606 Typical Application

The LT8606 is a buck converter which can handle input voltage up to 42V and a current up to 350mA. With the 2,5µA quiescent current its ideal for systems which power small scale microcontrollers and its peripherals. These peripherals can be bluetooth modules, wifi modules or relais.

If you run out of power with the LT8606 its also no real show stopper. Its bigger brother the LT8607 can handle up to 750mA and is pin compatible – the only thing you have to care of is the inductor which needs to be able to handle the output current.

To lower EMC the LT8606 has also spread spectrum modulation on board.

Whats also nice is the internal compensation which saves a lot of time what normally is used for optimizing the feedback circuitry.

Happy engineering!